Damn those Retirements!
It's not that I believe everything I read in the newspaper, but there it was, a headline--Betsy McDonough is really retiring as the Danbury library director. This follows too many others--Barbara Gibson from Farmington, Ralph Arcari from UConn Health Center, Denis Lorenz from West Hartford, and Stuart Lamson has sold Bank Square Books in Mystic, and Barry Williams has retired from lobbying for the good guys (except for us in CLA!) And by all reports, we ain't seen nothin' yet. It's the demographics. We are an old profession, and one in which many have a real pension, (Real meaning not a 401K, but one of those where the checks don’t run out just because your contributions did.) and they are exercising their right to collect it while they can still enjoy it. And whyevernot? Thirty years is probably enough for one person to do one job, even a job as diverse and unpredictable as being a library director. But what about me? What about those who are left behind? Its not that I ever saw or spoke with Betsy or Barbara or Ralph or Denis every day. But they were always there. I left the library world for almost ten years, and when I came back, everything was as it had been. Everyone I had known before was still here. Need a wise man to facilitate a planning day? Ralph will do it for you, and you know he will do it right. Need someone who doesn't have a dog in the race to give you advice? Barbara will listen to you and will bring her smarts and experience to bear on your behalf. Need someone to knock the Polyanna out? Denis will do it. And Betsy--everyone involved with creating a fledgling should have a Betsy on their board. She's smart and funny and a fighter. Oh, sure there are others of us who can do some of those things. And there are bright new people who are wise and smart and funny, but, well, you know. It's just not the same because it is about the people, and contrary to what we say as managers, people are just not replaceable.
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